Restoration Life is a new Church in the old part of Sacramento. In 2005 we felt a strong call from God to bring hope into the heart of our City.
Our Story:
Restoration Life is a new Church in the old part of Sacramento. In 2005 we felt a strong call from God to bring hope into the heart of our City. God is in the business of restoring broken lives, broken relationships and broken dreams. Make no mistake, we are real people with real problems but we have found real answers. It is our great joy to celebrate them with you.We are an outward focused church with a passion for community. Our church is not about big programs or large buildings. We are about people.
In the Spring of 2005 a small group of people began meeting in Pastor Dan's home in response to God's lead. In August we held our first Sunday service at the Coloma Community Center which was our home for the next two years. During this time God grew us, led us and established our calling to be a church that unites Christians, serves the community and encourages new churches to come plant nearby. After five moves and ten years we have become an established church with a reputation for keeping it real, for serving, giving, preaching and leading the Citywide Movement. We have been blessed to initiate change through the Convoy of Hope, Day of Hope, E49, Suite 2:10, Men's League and the Downtown Pastor's Gathering.
Our Mission:
Go into the Community. Show them God is Alive. Grow them into disciples.
Our Vision:
We dream of a church in the city that is designed to take the love of Christ into the world of the unchurched.
We dream of a church in the city that is passionate about connecting people's real longings with real answers.
We dream of planting several churches in the city that grow because they offer real hope to their community.
We dream of a church in the city that is committed to staying in the city.
We dream of a church in the city that is designed to multiply by planting new churches as it grows.
We dream of a day when every person who lives in the Heart of the City has heard the gospel in a language they understand, knows where to find a healthy, life-giving church and has the means to get there.